Thursday, February 16, 2012


This is my very first blog entry though by far not my first journal entry as I have been writing since at least the age of 10.

I still remember my first journal/diary. Ah, the old sky blue diary with thread-like gold embroidered all around the edges, and the gold colored key. Perhaps it was then that the idea of locking away our thoughts, and hiding our secrets that no one else would read them was born, and maybe has conditioned me to not share my writings overall.

I would further add that these ideas are part of a broader isolation programming,  in which many of us react to the worlwide uncertainties, corruption and injustices by isolating ourselves from the world as a form of protection. At some point though, this protection from the powers who control the world, turned into another tool of control as we are more controllable when isolated. Think about it.

Well, I have thought about it, and today I face my fear of speaking my truth, of shining my light with my writing.

Today I take action to break the isolation programming which is a result of years of falling for the "little me" syndrome we so easily succumb to for most of our lives. I am so very thankful that I can now see through this, and understand on a very deep level the fallacy of thinking we are alone. We did not come here to be alone.

Now begins my journey in sharing through my writing the scribbling rythm of my heart beat with you who are here. Transparent, yet solid in my stance to be part of the solution, to inspire others to move away from isolation programming, and to share with the world through writing or other creative outlet the process of manifesting their dreams and aspirations and together learn what we came here for.

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